940 Science Blvd. Suite C.
43230 Gahanna, COLUMBUS,
OHIO – North America
Tel. +1 614 578 0823
email: info@saipnorthamerica.com
Sales network
An innate propensity to go beyond borders, that translates into extensive knowledge of the target markets and their languages.
For over 30 years, SAIP has been exporting its technology to all continents thanks to its own sales and service network of subsidiaries, sales branches and agencies.
Usa and Canada: Argentina: Brasil Colombia: | Mexico Venezuela / Perù Guatemala: |
Tunisia TECHNOCHEM 20, AVENUE HABIB BOUGUIBA LE BARDO 2000 TUNIS TUNISIA Tel.: +216 72 310 622 E-mail: bensalah.technochem@gnet.tn Egypt TECHNOCOM 3 Mossadak St. El Nahda Tower Dokki Cairo – Egitto Tel. +202 37609292 |
Morocco CONFORTCHEM INC Kusi Lane, 3rd Parklands PO BOX 33835 00600 Nairobi - Kenya Tel. 0033 6 076 274 63 Tel. 00 961 3 368 458 |
France Finlandia Greece United Kingdom | Russia Turkey Poland |
Israel MCM POLYMERS LTD. 21 Haavoda Str. 59601 Bat-Yam - IL Tel.: 00972 3 554 0945 E-mail: mcm@netvision.net.il Website: www.mcm-polymers.co.il/english/ Jordan DERHAKAN ALHMAID P.O. Box 75855 Dubai - UAE The Springs2 - St 14 - Villa 5 Phone: +971 502445207 |
UAE PRIME SEAL LLC P.O. Box 115563 Ras Alkhor Industrial Area Dubai Tel +971 4 320 5568 | 333 0172 E-mail : info@prime-seal.com Website: www.prime-seal.com Kuwait DERHAKAN ALHMAID P.O. Box 75855 Dubai - UAE The Springs2 - St 14 - Villa 5 Phone: +971 502445207 |
India Malaysia Thailand | South Korea Indonesia China |
Australia ERA POLYMERS HEAD OFFICE - SYDNEY 2 - 4 Green Street, Banksmeadow NSW 2019 Tel.: +61 2 9666 3788 Website: www.erapol.com.au |
New Zealand ERA POLYMERS NEW ZEALAND 57 Rangi Rd, Takanini 2105 Auckland - New Zealand Tel.: +64 9 269 0710 Website: www.erapol.co.nz |
Usa and Canada: SAIP NORTH AMERICA Inc. Operational Headquarters 940 Science Blvd. Suite C. 43230 Gahanna, COLUMBUS, OHIO Email: info@saipnorthamerica.com Argentina: QUIMICA R&F SRL DIAZ COLODRERO 3368 1431 CIUDAD DE BUENOS AIRES tel +54 11 3528 2885 / +54 911 3314 624 E-mail: lidiabruzza@quimicaryf.com.ar Website: www.quimicaryf.com.ar Brasil: Schmuziger SGZ Representações Comerciais LTDA R. Princesa isabel, 94 - cj. 31 - Brooklin São Paulo - SP. 04601-000 Tel. +55 11 5034-5695 E-mail: contato@szgrep.com.br Website: www.szgrep.com.br Colombia: IMOCOM S.A. Metalmecanica, Plastico y Empaque Calle 17 No. 50 - 24 BOGOTA' - CO Tel. 0057 (1) 413 77 55 FAX 0057 (1) 262 49 82 E-mail: imocom@imocom.com.co Website: www.imocom.com.co Mexico Comercializadora AlPhiv Estorninos #81, Colonia Lomas de las Águilas 01730 Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City Antony Frigerio Meroni cel. +521 5620120430 Oficina +52 55 56352672 E-mail: comercializadoraalphi@gmail.com Venezuela / Perù EUROQUIM AV. PRINCIPAL DE SAN LUIS, TORRE MAYUPAN, 2 FLOOR OFFICE, 2-1 EL CAFETAL, CARACAS - VEN Tel. +58 212 985.7555/2767/0169/9721 Fax : +58 212 985.0369/7631 E-mail: pcozzolino@euroquim.com Website: www.euroquim.com Guatemala: PANACOM S.A. 52 Calle Av.da Petapa zona 12, Complejo Ofibodegas Petapa, Ofibodega 23 Tels.: 502+2217-4500 Email: info@panacomsa.com Website: www.panacomsa.com |
Tunisia TECHNOCHEM 20, AVENUE HABIB BOUGUIBA LE BARDO 2000 TUNIS TUNISIA Tel.: +216 72 310 622 E-mail: bensalah.technochem@gnet.tn Egypt TECHNOCOM 3 Mossadak St. El Nahda Tower Dokki Cairo – Egitto Tel. +202 37609292 Morocco CONFORTCHEM INC Kusi Lane, 3rd Parklands PO BOX 33835 00600 Nairobi - Kenya Tel. 0033 6 076 274 63 Tel. 00 961 3 368 458 |
France Finland Greece United Kingdom Russia Turkey Poland |
Israel MCM POLYMERS LTD. 21 Haavoda Str. 59601 Bat-Yam - IL Tel.: 00972 3 554 0945 E-mail: mcm@netvision.net.il Website: http://mcm-polymers.co.il/english/ Jordan DERHAKAN ALHMAID P.O. Box 75855 Dubai - UAE The Springs2 - St 14 - Villa 5 Phone: +971 502445207 UAE PRIME SEAL LLC P.O. Box 115563 Ras Alkhor Industrial Area Dubai Tel +971 4 320 5568 | 333 0172 E-mail : info@prime-seal.com www.prime-seal.com Kuwait DERHAKAN ALHMAID P.O. Box 75855 Dubai - UAE The Springs2 - St 14 - Villa 5 Phone: +971 502445207 |
India KRISHNANIRMAL ENTERPRISES 03, F WING, DEVDARSHAN COMPLEX, PLOT 24, SECTOR 19, KHARGAR, 410210 NAVI MUMBAI MR PRAMODKUMAR JADHAV Tel.: + 91 9920251274/9757186138 Email: pramod_pmj@yahoo.com Malaysia URETHANE ENTERPRISE No. 11, Jalan TMP 7B Taman Mutiara Puchong 47100 PUCHONG - SELANGOR Mr SK WONG Ph 603-80713500 Email: sharon_1020@live.com Thailand PASVIC CO.,LTD. 129/10 Moo3, Phaholyothin km.68 road, T.Wangchula;A.Wangnoi, Pra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya 13170 - Thailand. ph. +66(0)3572-1203 ph. +66(0)3572-1204 ph. +66(0)8 6317 8321 Mob. +66(0)8 6317 8391 Website: http://www.pasvic.co.th South Korea PARK DANIEL 121 Tanhyun-dong, Ilsanseo-gu Kyeonggi-do - South Korea Tel.: +82 1052038296 Mob.: 010 52038296 E-mail: ceo@injinjikorea.com Indonesia ERA POLYMERS PTY Ltd. 2-4 green St, nsw 2019 Banksmeadow, Sidney, AUSTRALIA Tel.: + 62 2 9666 3788 | Fax: +61 2 9666 4805 Email: tom@erapol.com.au China BEIJING BREMET TECH. & DEVELOPMENT Inc. RM 1901, No. 2 Cameo Center, No. 16 Guangshun Nandajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, P.R. China Tel.: +86 10 84764018 | Fax: +86 10 84764020 Email: Cathy@bremetech.cn |
Australia ERA POLYMERS HEAD OFFICE - SYDNEY 2 - 4 Green Street, Banksmeadow NSW 2019 Tel.: +61 2 9666 3788 Website: www.erapol.com.au New Zealand ERA POLYMERS NEW ZEALAND 57 Rangi Rd, Takanini 2105 Auckland - New Zealand Tel.: +64 9 269 0710 Website: www.erapol.co.nz |

Technical Assistance and Spare Parts Assistance
For on-going technical support or spare parts assistance, you can contact us by phone or e-mail, or fill out the form below.
Technical Assistance: + 39 031 605675
Spare Parts Assistance: + 39 031 605847
email: spareparts@saipequipment.it
The telephone service is available, both in Italian and English, from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.
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